speaker guidance for R&R mostly

In the very near Future, I will be looking to take a step up from my current Tekton DI's, upgraded, HOPEFULLY!.   Current system  is as follows: Amp  Pasx250.8/ Preamp Benchmark LA-4/ DAC. Meitner MA-1 V2/ Project RS2T transport and LTA power supply/ SVS SB 4000 Sub. Stream Quboz, and  Redbook CD's. Listening Room is approx: 20x 30', 16 " ceiling,  ( a portion in a shop containing construction and farming equipment M/C's etc. Entire shop is 30x60'  Acoustics are GREAT, don't know why??? Listen to Rock at about 85 to 90 Spl.  NOTE: in smaller system in house, have a pair of FRITZ Carbon 7SE speakers (much smaller room) and they sound GREAT, very revealing, precise, etc. The tektons sound very good, and loud, but, may be my imagination, just not as clear and revealing as the smaller Fritz Carbons.  Have been researching Sonus, QLN, Dyn Audio , Perlisten, etc. Possibly the Klipsch Heritage line Heresy, Cornwall, etc. Towers are probably preferred as it is quite a large area. Current speakers are about 12' apart and 15' from listening area. Sorry for being so windy. I hope this helps, Just looking for some Guidance!  I live about an hour from Metro Nashville, may visit a few stores down the road for a listen. Thanks as always Robert TN


I had a pair of ATC SCM 40s and loved them but I used to be concerned with the tweeter until I had a demonstration of the Townsend Super Tweeters , job solved. People will argue the they make no difference ( that's because they can't hear more than 14Khrz themselves. I found also that the bass got more detailed because of the extra harmonics added to the music. Yes I cannot recommend the ATC's enough !!! 

Every article and reviewer claimed the High Frequency driver was OK, mediocre, at best and needed an upgrade, and most alluded to the price drop as the result.

Be mindful that ATC did a serious upgrade of the tweeter several years ago that, from the reviews I read, was a significant improvement. If you’re reading reviews of models with the old tweeter you’re not getting an accurate assessment of how the speaker sounds now. This will obviously also be highly dependent on the electronics preceding the speakers, especially with very neutral speakers like the SCM40s, and with the refinement of your amp I’d tend to doubt you’d have an issue with the tweeter. That said, I’d also mention that both Music Direct and Sound Approach offer free shipping and a return policy where if you just don’t like the sound of something you can return it. You’ll be responsible for return shipping, but it’s still nice to have the option. Last, I highly doubt a tweeter results in a $2k price drop and think there’s gotta be something else at work there, but what do I know? FWIW


Thanks all for the updates. I would have to go back and look at the review dates for the ATC's, to see if maybe the older tweeter for review or the newer was used? Thanks, didn't even think about that. Also read and reviewed several articles on the super tweeter, Townsend model. Didn't even know about them, learn something everyday. Have always liked the look of the SCM -40's now more reasonable;e than before. TOO many choices! Thanks