Sistrum SP101 Platforms - under floor standers

.......your thoughts and sonic impression only to those who have purchased and still own these highly regarded platforms under their speakers. What did they do to the sound and were they worth it ? Thank you in advance....
Agear, thanks re: the Symphonic Line compliments. All the glass in the room presents certain challenges, and the match of the SL amplification with the Salon 2s is impeccable: fast, dynamic, tonally pure and detailed without drilling holes in my eardrums via any overhyping or overetching of the upper registers. The Sistrum XLs add the frosting to the cake.

And as it so happens, at the moment I am waiting for another piece of the puzzle to be liberated from Customs so that it can join the other SL gear in my system. Likely my last significant purchase for a long, long time...