Power cable from wall socket to power strip


Firstly; yes I believe that cables makes a difference. All cables. I don’t want a discussion with ”non believers”.

I use a power strip (Wireworld Matrix 2) which is connected to the wall socket with a Furutech Empire. But now I need a little longer power cable and I thought; does the power cable from the wall socket to the power strip really matter? I mean, all the way to my wall socket it’s just ordinary wire, so why should the part to the power strip matter. It’s just the last bit to the devices that matters, I’ve been told. Or…?
What are your thoughts about this?


You would be better making you own cable with Furutech NCF connectors and Furutech cable. I have been swapping cables and plugs for a while to get the sound the way i want it. The last change was a HiFi tuning fuse in the wall socket plug. And that made a difference. I would say that i have got it the way i want it now, but another swap around maybe even better. lol. Good luck.

@mrskeptic ​​​​​​+1! Clever marketing can sell ice cubes to Eskimos! The whole cable/wire/conditioner business is based upon flowery phrases and obfuscation to lure in the gullible! Audiophiles as a group are among the most gullible and susceptible to advertising/word-of-mouth marketing.

I have had the same quandary. Yes it makes a HUGE difference, so much so I have an Entreg DIGITAL (not analogue) power cable from Furutec socket into my specialist made extension box so I feed off that result with the Digital sources fromyte extension box to the cpources which eac hone prefers different cables 

I purchased a used Cardas Nautilus Power Strip a few years ago. You can pick up a used one for under 1K if you’re patient. I use a heavy 10 awg Silnote reference power cable from a heavy duty Hubble receptacle to the power strip. Silnote installed a right angle plug for me to reduce wall clearance and fatigue on the cable.