Infinity IRS BETA

Hello, Been following these speakers since they were new, Finally looks like I might be able to get a pair.

Are these good speakers for rock, Older recordings ect??


I’ve worked my way up through the infinity line to my main system, which incorporates a late model IRS Beta system. My observations are room size / treatment, placement, amplification. Definitely a speaker that requires patience and quality components to bring out their best. If you like to tinker but demand results this system satisfies. Music genre is flexible, IMO a natural sound that will reveal poor recording’s. My amplifiers rare but (I think) complementary with relentless clean power are two Yamaha Pc5002m’s. With any necessary maintenance.. as with anything, this system will please. That with the rest involved will be with me for a very long time. Good luck if it works out and enjoy.


Check out my system page here. I've had a lot of fun with the Betas in recent years. I just let them go to fund other gear, but can't say enough good about them. Be prepared to invest considerable time getting them set up properly, not just placement but all the adjustments mentioned above. 

I tried many amps with the panels and the bass towers. Of all I tried, I think I liked the Bryston 7B monos as best performance/value, and McIntosh tubes up top. A pair of 275's running mono was very nice.


Many years ago I stumbled across a pair in a hifi shop. They played Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. I was blown away. Very impressive presentation.

By all means!  See my system.

Still tweaking with positioning but that's my OCD and I do that with all my speakers.

Feel free to ask......