Parasound JC1+ warm up time

If you don't think SS warm up time is necessary or a waste of time/energy, that's OK, but for those who have experienced differences in sound after extensive warm up time...

Parasound states the JC1+ comes into "spec" in 30 minutes. I've heard/read that SS amps take a long time to warm up in order to sound their best, sometimes a few days. Also some will say the more boutique or expensive the amp is, the longer the warm up time. Thoughts?

Also, there is a bias switch, that will allow 25W class A vs 10W class A. Higher bias  = more heat. So I like to keep it on low bias when not in use. But I wonder, if amp is left on all the time in order to bypass the warm up wait time, does it now have to "start over" when switching to high bias as far as how long it takes to warm up?



I also own a pair of JC1+, I bought them new! They did take approx 1000h at my home (230Volts) before really open up! But they do change quite profound when left on for several days! I work shift beeing away from home, but I do plan my critical listening session from how much time JC1+ has. Bare in mind these do get hot, but Im living in colder north so its not that much hassle for me most part of the year. I run them with a ARC ref6se and a Lumin X1 and the sound is just breathtaking. Som much amplification for the money even tho they are quite expensive these days.

Not a JC1+, but I find my JC5 sounds good on first start but is in its prime after 30 minutes of warm up.