Klipsch Heresy? Crazy to consider?

I need help and advice. I have Prima Luna tube separates. Pre and power about 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms. Very small office approximately 9 x 12. I have Dynaudio x12's, Dynaudio x32's and a pair of KEF ls50's. All sound okay in my room. The x32's are just too big I think. The x12's sound great but not much bass. Considering a subwoofer. The ls50's sound good but not as great in the mids as the x12's. I think I might be underpowered for my speakers. A friend has some Klipsch Heresys that are supposed to be good with tubes. All Klipsch I heard I couldn't listen to long and real picky about material but I have only heard them with solid state (McIntosh 2105). Are the x12's my best bet for this room with a sub? Should I consider the Klipsch Heresys? Cannot listen to them in my room before buying. should I consider a more efficient speaker like Tekton or something in better quality. Or should I get a more powerful solid state amp and use with my tube preamp with what I have. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks Bill. I think you are right.
Hey Mikirob I have been seriously looking at Tekton. My room Is small. Thinking one of the Lore family from Tekton what do you suggest?
I'd suggest the M-lore which is only 34 inches tall, 95db efficient, 8 ohm impedance. I run these in my 14x16 foot office. Bass is 38hz. I run this most of the time now with the 8 watt Coincident Dynamo 34Se, previously with the Primaluna Dialogue One, which I still have. Mostly used EL34 or 6L6. I've also used Tekton Monitor. Check out Tekton website, just Google.
Very valid choice with many sonic strengths at their price. If you need more bass later get a good sub. Don't talk to most audiophiles about them, you will get a biased opinion. Talk to music lovers or owners.
I have a pair of custom finished factory Klipsch H3s. Although they make useful music they are not the best in overall sound, lacking air and depth. I much prefer my Triangles for serious listening. I will never sell my Heresys but more for nostalgia reasons than as a sonic choice. With a sub, they do rock, even with 25 watt tube amps but the Triangles are just as easy to drive.