Streamer+R2R dac+True balanced Class A preamp all-in-one?

Hi guys,

Does a full featured streamer + R2R dac + true balanced class A preamp all in one box exist in the world at this time? Ameri-fi, Euro-fi, Chi-fi, any other Asia-fi does not matter.

Budget = upto 10k

Thank you.



I’m not familiar with one- combing those capabilities in one bad and doing it well would be a tall order indeed. The closest device I know of (since you stated R2R) would be from Bricasti Design- not sure of the gain/pre design. Retail on this starts at $16K new.

Bricasti M21

May not be R2R, but I don’t think that should stop you, but the Auralic Vega G2.1 (and now G2.2) pretty much fits the bill. Analog volume control, class A preamps, Streams most things.