Since nobody is reading this thread right now, I’m going to throw out my wish list, my note in a bottle, to the wilds of the Internet:
* I’d like to see LinLai or JJ or any of the other tube vendors, try something a little out of the ordinary. A true triode, using an octal KT88 socket, that biases up exactly like a triode-connected KT88. An indirectly heated triode, in a KT88 package, with only three elements ... cathode, control grid, and plate. With no screen or suppressor grid, and the control grid correctly spaced so the whole tube mimics a triode-connected KT88, so it can plugged directly into a KT88 socket in an existing amp and work right away.
What is the benefit over a standard KT88? Well, with no useless screen or suppressor grid, the one remaining grid can be optimized for lowest distortion ... in particular, the lowest proportion of high-order harmonics, like a direct-heated triode.
It’s not the direct heating of the M-shaped filament that’s responsible for the very low distortion of DHT’s (compared to triode-connected pentodes and beam tetrodes). It’s the clean, uniform grid structure, and the carefully chosen spacing from the cathode (or filament). So there’s no reason a purpose-designed true triode can’t be designed to fit a standard KT88 (or EL34) socket that has the same DC bias characteristics as it’s more complex brother, but also much lower distortion.
Literally, a simple plug-in improvement for all the hundreds of thousands of conventional PP-pentode amps out there. No change in bias, no change in cathode circuit, no change in fixed-bias operating point, just lower distortion, ideally approaching DHT performance if the grid is correctly designed.
You could call the new tube a TR88 to distinguish it from a KT88, while signifying it is plug-in compatible (thanks to the same DC biasing). Or TR34 if it replaces an EL34.