Help needed with Rattle in my floorstanding speakers.

Help and suggestions needed with a rattling noise in my speakers.

I was playing a song called fading sun by Terje Isungset and it has the deepest bass note I have ever heard and one of my floorstanding speakers had a very noticeable rattle that I can hear coming from the upper part of the cabinet with the lowest bass note of the track. Not sure why but what is your recommendation to locate and hopefully fix this rattle. Thank you!


Well... in listening to this I believe the quietness of the music caused you to turn it up too high and you fried a woofer. Liked the bass though.


I was listening at very moderate volume and I can only hear the rattle on the upper part of the speaker were it house the tweeter and the midrange. The bass woofer is located at the bottom of the speaker. I only heard it on this particular song.