Speaker recommendations for Primaluna

I was wondering if I could get some feedback from fellow Primaluna owners regarding speakers. I am currently running Totem Sttafs with my DiaLogue Premium integrated amp and want to upgrade. I am not unhappy with the Totems - they are a great value IMO, but it's time for a bit of an upgrade. My budget for speakers is around $6,000.

Just curious to see what others have evaluated by way of speakers and what you ended up with.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
I was was going to purchase the Totem Forest Signature until I heard the used B&Ws.

Thanks for the freedback!
No kidding Nyaudio98! My second system (that is in progress) will probably have the Totem bookshelf speakers!
Nyaudio98, what are you smoking!

You meant "Canalis Anima" from Spiral Groove and YES, they are the best standmount speakers I have ever auditioned :-)