Sealed / Front-ported monitor recommendations

I have persistent problems managing bass in the room in which I listen to music. Every time I give rear-ported speakers a chance, I end up with the same problem - excessive, boomy, muddled bass. I have tried re-positioning the speakers to the extent that I can (really can't have them more than two feet from any back wall); changing the toe-in, bunging the ports (which I hate doing), adding bass traps to the corners, and so on. All of these changes help, but nothing has really mitigated the problem to a point I am satisfied with. It happens whether I'm using monitors, floor standers, or hybrid electrostatics.

I am now turning my attention to sealed or front-ported speakers. I'm looking for suggestions for monitors or small floor standers that are not rear-ported, and my budget is probably around $2,500 max. Obviously nothing known for emphatic bass! I appreciate any suggestions you might have.
I would give DSPeaker antimode 2.0 a try it really cleaned up the bass when I owned it. Now I am using speakers with active subwoofers built in that can be adjusted to the room. Best of luck.
ATC might be a good choice. Great speakers and I think their monitors are sealed. Best of luck.
I own the Harbeth P3ESR and I think it would fit the bill! The
Spendor 3/5R2 is another great one for about $500 less. Keep
away from any type of ported type even if it is in the front.