"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


@clearthinker *L* Well, since I've never weighed over 160, that's a great excuse for never owning a Krell mono...even maneuvering it onto a handtruck would have been an 'inchworm activity' (i.e., "1,2,3 *grunt*, repeated as req'd.)....
Currently 130 @ 5'11", BMI @ 17.9....as Harry said, "A mans' gotta know his limitations..." ;)

@elliottbnewcombjr ....which is Precisely why I/we own a Bobcat to move this/that/the other 'round here for our biz....  A big chunk of our 'upstock' is locust logs.

At 48.2 lbs.per cu.ft. @ 12% moisture....when we've logs up to 20'...
even a short piece can make your eyes bulge. 👀😬....or the vertebrae squeak, of which you've had enough of....

Next amp for this sillie mortal:


...and Yes, there's currently a 4600 on the AG....not affordable at this time, but a 2800 would be a big step up...and I've the 'puter to push either...

...and I'm patient... ;)

Heal fast, Elliott...C'ya


14.2 or 19.2 lbs....

I can cope with that....*L*

Hi @mahgister.... Going totally portable doth have its' benefits... ;)

I will not upgrade my 250 grams or less  , i am not sure,  dac; it will cost me at least 50 times the price to upgrade...

And my back is no more a lifter...😉

Hi @mahgister.... Going totally portable doth have its’ benefits... ;)