Chord Qutest——>No difference

Just picked up a pre-owned Chord Qutest (off Audiogon) and hear no difference against my Bluesound Node’s internal DAC. The two are connected via a Chord Company:

  • C-USB Cable - Type A to B

The Node registers the Qutest, which seems to be operational bc the sample rate indicator changes color. Still, it sounds the same.

Am I missing something?





Thanks Theo, I have an old Arcam C31 preamp (paired with Arcam P1 monos) so I need all the help I can get. At some point may upgrade to a Rogue Audio tube preamp but that’s down the line.

No! Practically all of today's DAC's have achieved such low levels of noise and distortion that they are virtually indistinguishable! That's regardless of price! Let the rock throwing by the golden ear crowd begin!

If you want a DAC with a sonic signature get one with a tube output stage, like a Lampizator. Then you can tube roll to your heart's content!

The component with the higher output voltage will always sound better. That's a quirk of human hearing.