Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!

For years and years, I brought in a multitude of different speakers into my listening room, never really being truly, completely satisfied with any of them. So the speaker merry-go-round went on and on, until I finally found the speakers that put all of that to rest. Not only was I dissatisfied, I was also going broke in the process. All that buying and selling was killing me and stressing me out, as well. It was the Revel Salon 2 speakers that finally got the job done for me. Once I got my hot little hands on the Revel Salon 2 speakers, it was all over. Now, I have absolutely no desire to switch out the Salons for anything else. The Revel Salon 2 speakers covered all the sonic bases for me, truly capturing my imagination, from top to bottom, like none of the others completely did. I get to hears all the new speakers at dealers and at shows, and they all sound just awesome, too.  But, still, for my money, the Salons 2s are the ones (they’re just that good). The Revel Salon 2 speakers turned out to be all the speaker I think I’ll ever need, and will be with me for the duration. For which, my ears and my wallet thank me.


I have been a Magnapan speaker user since 1983. I have two systems now - one based on the Maggie 1.7i (driven by a Krell K 300i) with the Maggie DWM Bass Panel (driven by Son of Ampzilla). Once you give them good clean Class A power nothing compares at even 3x or4x the speaker price. My second system is my old Maggie 1.6qr - modified by Peter Gunn (driven by Krell S 550i) with The Swarm (driven by Dayton Audio amp - from Duke). This customized set up is amazing for it’s vocal clarity, imaging and midrange detail. Bass is well integrated and SOLID. I have listened to multiple cone based speakers with amps at 3 to 4X the price and they do not compare. 

I have owned Harbeth 40.2 on my primary audio rig for around 4 years and have no desire to change.

On a secondary system I have homemade speakers that contain Seas dual concentric drivers and really enjoy the accuracy of that sound.

I agree with you Tomstruck.  The Vandersteen Quatro CT.  I spent years owning and auditioning speakers and always found myself wanting for something different.  That all stopped with the Quatros.

For me it's the Sonus Faber Serafinos with a pair of REL S/812 subs. I have had many speakers through the years. These are far and away the best I've had.