Chord Qutest——>No difference

Just picked up a pre-owned Chord Qutest (off Audiogon) and hear no difference against my Bluesound Node’s internal DAC. The two are connected via a Chord Company:

  • C-USB Cable - Type A to B

The Node registers the Qutest, which seems to be operational bc the sample rate indicator changes color. Still, it sounds the same.

Am I missing something?




@milo0812   I need to purchase 2 of these, the other so I can connect the Qutest to my old CD player.

@jjss49  What can I tell you, I didn’t hear the difference, and any improvement I hear now may be a function of loudness. My wife says the sound is bigger and fills the room. I agree, whatever the cause.


I am sure that the digital cable that milo0812 recommends is fantastic.

Another option is the Cullen 2 Meter Nitin Digital Cable ($77) which I use between my Node 2i and DAC.  I can easily hear the difference between the 2is built in DAC and my modded Museatex Meitner DAC.  My understanding is that Cullen was purchased by another cable company but his website indicates if you are interested in his cables to email him at the email address provided.


What can I tell you, I didn’t hear the difference, and any improvement I hear now may be a function of loudness. My wife says the sound is bigger and fills the room. I agree, whatever the cause.

no worries, don't sweat it, just enjoy the music

All you really need is the Musical Fidelity v90 dac. It sounds amazing for the price.