A new design must be made with a complete set of measures in mind...This set of measures are trade-off choices...
No design is perfect...
But designer dont tweak by definition...If they do they must integrated their tweak in the design... With or without set of measures but more often then not designer are engineer and physicist in some case as for my headphone, they dont tweak, they use well known scientific principle and they apply it ...
But this headphone for example so innovating and amazing it was designed needed some modifications FOR ME : I throw off the protective plastic thick grid, i changed the volume of the shell chamber by using other pads than the original one, I put inside it two products to damp its vibration... After that and some other rectification their design was IMPROVED for my ears...So much so that upgrading it appear preposterous to me...
I respect a lot Dr. Gorike the physicist who design this marvel... But any design can be improved... But i will not play with amplifier electronics components by lack of competence and it seems to me less necessary But i even tweak my Sansui Alpha for the better with various minerals OUTSIDE of his body 😊... No serious designer will do that or advise such a "ridiculous thing" ...
Designing is a serious enterprise with his own ethic and secrets...
Tweaking a component if the user like to experiment is always possible...
Anyway any system must be embedded mechanically , electrically and acoustically ... These controls can be methodically applied or applied discretely and called "a tweak"...