Where to insert tubes while running a Luxman SS integrated

I've recently upgraded my integrated amplifier from a Cambridge CXA81 to a Luxman l-507uxii.  The Cambridge is definitely not bad for its price, but the Luxman is a different animal and is making me want to upgrade everything else in my system.  Which brings me to my point of discussion: I'd like to insert tubes somewhere in my system to get some additional warmth and a more holographic soundstage.  Would adding a tube preamp and running the Luxman as only a power amp be best to do this, or would it be better to get a tube dac for my digital, and separately, a tube phono stage for my vinyl?


i do agree that if the intent is change speakers from kef to tannoy then i would hold off on any upstream changes until the new speakers are in house, then evaluate all upstream gear to make the speakers work properly in the listening room

Thing is I would not describe KEF as warm. Tannoy tends to have that adjective used to describe the sound more.  If that’s what you want then good advice atty with the speakers and go from there. 

Thanks @mapman and @yogiboy . I’ll try to audition some Tannoys and Spendors (maybe somewhat of a challenge as I'm based in the US). I guess the question of whether to add tubes somewhere in the chain will follow after I acquire new speakers.