«Such critiques strike a familiar chord with Jonathan Halpern, who has dealt in audiophile gear for 25 years, the last 17 with his own distribution company, Tone Imports. Just a few decades ago, he recalls, Japanese audio equipment was derided as shoddy and derivative, with legitimate criticism tainted by racially charged language. But, said Mr. Halpern, over time Japanese brands evolved from derivative to innovative, and are now widely considered to produce some of the world’s best high-end audio equipment. Many of these Chinese companies could be following a similar course, he says.»
Perhaps he knows better than some here... 😊
It seems not only history , and my referenced Australian study in my above post on china high tech , proved chinese creativity , but in audio too , the story has already begun..
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«Ignorance is a full time job too »--Groucho Marx 🤓