Well it's good news for me with a DHL package now on its way from Townshendaudio.
The update was from DHL with still no communication via e-mails or the websites themselves ,not even updating the order process. This is odd to me, but at least I know the business model now and will be less concerned and more patient with ordering again if their products make positive changes to my system.
So to recind any accusatory questions I will also answer my own question, which to be fair everyone esle had already pointed out, and agree that
townshendisolation is NOT a scam site
and will deliver your goods even if you are unlucky and experiance of a total blank of commnication. This was only a moderately longer wait than normal to get things in the mail i the long run.
This type of question from clients is easily avoided by answering e-mail/webforms, having either a notification or delivery process timeframe on their website, or just by being quicker to get things in the mail if they are not going to communicate order status themselves.
Without any communication I cannot know if a business is experiancing difficulty, and without notifications I will assume that everything is normal on their end, which only makes the lack of updates or communication over a longer than normal timeframe suspicious for first-time customers that may have lost trust on other online portals.
Thankyou to those that have posted, for the supporting information which has helped reduce my ignorance, helped prevent my kneejerk repsonse, and also helped to obtain a positive final outcome. Hopefully the next person sees this and is a little more assured and patient as a response too!