McIntosh MC30 has the similar cathode follower driver 12ax7 to drive 6L6 directly. The output tube works in fixed bias in this schematics. Isn't it? Can you explain how the output tube bias is self adjusted?
Yes. R21 (120K; refer to schematic) sets the bias point of the 12AX7 (which to me seems a terrible choice for this application- a 12AU7 or 12AT7 would have suited better), which in turn sets the bias point of the power tubes.
The operating point it based on the idea that as the tubes weaken, at some point you just replace them, rather than readjusting the bias as the tubes age. The output power is not a function of the bias- its affected by the condition of the tubes! That is why the operating point was chosen to be class AB2 so the actual operational point is not critical and the power tubes will run cool with long life, high power and low distortion (due to the various feedback means). A good driver tube will present the output tubes with a very consistent bias voltage over time- that circuit is quite stable and has some ability to handle some grid current in the output section.
The bias rectifier and its power supply play a role in this. The original rectifier was a selenium device which has a larger voltage drop across it so if you renovate the amp and replace the rectifier with a new device (recommended- those old seleniums were terrible) this is a minor thing to pay attention to if you want to set the same operating point, although as I said its not critical.