What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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Firstly, I referred to GaN FETs as a flash-in-the-pan technology, not class D as a whole.

Secondly, I didn’t claim all GaN amps will necessarily perform poorly, merely that I have considerable doubt that any of them are really noteworthy.

Lastly, the primary reason class D has been gaining market share is that more manufacturers are adopting the technology as a way to save on both manufacturing and shipping costs. Unfortunately, many of them choose to not pass the savings onto the customers. That and class D on the whole has improved in sound quality over the past couple decades, and some do indeed approach the performance of decent AB amps. However, the majority are still rather sterile and lacking in dynamics. Thing is, many “hi-fi” manufacturers are merely in the game to maximize profits. If sacrificing 10–20% of performance vs an AB counterpart allows them to do that, you can be dam sure that’s what they’re going to do. They also know that the majority of people purchasing these amps don’t have a decades-long history of obsessive gear flipping. These are often people looking for a simple, lightweight and unobtrusive solution with impressive specs on paper, and have little reference by which to judge performance. That and auditory memory is generally unreliable. So unless the listener A/Bs their latest/greatest class D amp against their past class A-AB amps, it’s unlikely they’re going to notice the shortcomings, and just as likely their expectation bias will lead them to a skewed conclusion.



helomech....I've A/B'd the Aavik and Peachtree against the Belles SS , low watt tube amps, 845's....KT88's and class D sounds More Musical. And the Manufacturers are Not trying to rip everyone off as you prescribe....but offering alot of Value for your $$$$. You are just a plain old Class D hater, and that's fine. To each his own. But us Class D lovers will just keep Enjoying the Music ! There is a market for both Old and New technology.

Strongly consider getting a used LSA Voyager GaN 350 (saw one for $1250), have it sent to Ric Schultz for moding (very reasonable) and live happily ever after

Someone previously posted that most comments on GAN were not using higher end non-GAN amps as comparison.

This morning I took the Peachtree GAN400 down to the much larger Livingroom where I have the amazing Yamaha NS5000 speakers. Here is what I heard compared to the CODA #16:

  • the slight hardness on top with the GAN400 is even more noticeable with the NS5000. The preamp upstairs is the Holo Serene and the NS5000 downstairs uses the Benchmark LA4. It is not the preamps that are making the difference. It is the better sounding NS5000 that is letting me hear the hardness on top.
  • the sound stage on the GAN400 is not as expansive as with the CODA#16.
  • The thump from the low end cannot compare to the CODA #16

Overall, the sound is about 8/10 and the CODA #16 is a 9.5/10. If the CODA #16 had the same top end as the Benchmark AHB2 I would give it a 10/10

The CODA #16 with my LRS+ in the smaller office

  • the hardness is totally gone witth the LRS+, same as when paired with the NS5000
  • the speaker hits harder with the #16 but not as noticeable as with the big woofers on the NS5000
  • the overall amp sound differences are less noticeable with the LRS+ compared to the NS5000. The NS5000 is a better speaker.

I am keeping the GAN400 for a while. Maybe until the next iterations of Class D of GAN come out. This would be for the LRS+.

If anyone is interested, I would be willing to sell the modded GAN1 since it is no longer used. Though a warning, using it is not for the faint of heart. It is bit more complicated.


This is Not a fair comparison...The CODA #16 is $13,000 W/O meters and $16,000 with meters....and you’re trying to compare it to a $2,000 amp and you say it’s Better...I should hope so...The Peachtree is one heck of an amp for 2K.....But use a Tubed pre amp....I get no harshness at all and a soundstage that's deeper and wider than my Tube amps.