Cable elevators

My Saturday hifi tweaking involved digging out the family’s box of wooden building blocks and using them to elevate my speaker cables off the floor. Previously under an area carpet on a wood floor. Mc 601s to SF Amati with Wireworld speaker cables (to be replaced with Cardas). 

The result—mind you the system is playing really well right now thanks to my new Cardas interconnects—is greater clarity (I think), sound stage, and texture. This is definitely about wringing out the last ounce of the system and maybe I’m imagining the improvement. I don’t think I’d spend any money on buying risers, but what the hell why not use the old building block. Looks dopey and the family laughs at me, but dang does the system sound amazing.

Anyone else play with risers/elevators?


- have you listened to cable risers?  Yes

- what was your impression?  waste of time and resources. 

             Tried and they did nothing!

                          Did I mention: VARIABLES?

                                     From page 1:



5,856 posts


@invalid -

There is a measurable difference of lower capacitance when cable risers are used

@mc1969 -

I am on a concrete engineered slab, no carpet under my cables, engineered hardwood

     Makes sense, given that all of our cables exhibit the properties of an RLC circuit, the 'C' being capacitance.

     Capacitance changes, according to the dielectric, it's Dielectric Constant, and the amount of dielectric used.

     The Dielectric Constant of air = 1.    Wood can vary from just over 1 to 4, depending on grain direction and (greatly) on moisture content.

     I seriously doubt that engineered hardwood contains/retains any moisture, hence: no more change than lifting a cable into the air.

     Most carpeting consists of materials with horrible Constants.

     When your cable's lying on a material with a high Dielectric Constant; that's being added to that of the cable's insulation, changing the 'C' in the RLC, over whatever length.,with%20moisture%20content%20and%20frequency.


They say peer pressure has a greater effect (pull) on kids than that of their parents. As we age most grow out of succumbing to peer pressure as we mature while others never seem to rid themselves of it. It's like battered wives syndrome. 

I don't find tribalism comforting and reassuring. My favorite Groucho Marx saying is "I refuse to join a club that would have me as a member."

I never understood the need or desire to be the one dictating the needs of others. Lots of insecurity lies in that. Those of the least or damaged faith yell the loudest.

"The beatings will continue until moral improves" is a satyric way of speaking the truth and hobbyists are not immune from it. We see those types all the time here. Some even come from other sites to ply their ways. Be wary of them.

All the best,

A few years back I ran across a hundred plus glass/ceramic high voltage insulators being tossed out, most with a cradle in them that reminded me of 50' - 60's kitchen stoneware.  I realized they can work as cable risers and looked smart but on my wood/stone floors, they didn't make a difference.  I had other people try them and they either weren't sure or didn't notice a change but one neighbor liked the stoneware brown cream color appearance of them.  I can't seem to attach a photo but on eBay, see them going for forty bucks a piece. 311597925883 

@vitussl101 , I have about 40 of them on an old clothesline holder out back. $40 a piece? *whistles*

And to think, I was going to cut down the clothesline holder and throw it out, lol.

I've got G E Triton Refs. Along with the speaker cables, I have a LFE cable, and power cable connected.  With all those cables, I thought some separation might be a good thing.  I had some homemade risers made out of 2x4 cut offs for a while.  I thought about making something nice looking out of oak or walnut, but for the time and effort involved, I decided to go with the AQ Fog Lifters that I got on sale.  It's a really simple design.  I like the way they look.  They make my homemade speaker cables look better, too   I've never taken the time to see if if they really improve the sound, but hey, maybe :)