Any JBL 1400 Synthesis Array owners

I have a pair and am interested in what amps you have tried and the results. I am currently using a 70 wpc tube amp to great effect. I will also try the Quicksilver 90wpc Silver Mono and MFA M 200 in 100 wpc triode mode. The Bryston 14BSST is great but too heavy for me so I reluctantly sold it. Perhaps trying a 3 BSST in the future for a SS alternative.
Using an Aesthetix Calypso preamp.
I have a pair that I have been using for a couple of years now.
Currently I use a Pass Labs X350.8.
Prior was a Pass Labs X350.5.
This is a lot of power for a 89dB speaker, and sounds great!
Full scale. As loud as I want.
These speakers can take the power without stressing out.
I am quite taken by the lack of color, and effortless dynamics. I compared them with the WP6, and found the JBL better in many ways. They are real sleepers. I will have to try out some Pass gear. I have always have liked his gear. PT
Yes, the dynamics are really fantastic.
I can't believe that there is not more interest in this speaker. I have not heard anything I like better yet, and I have been at this for awhile. The compression drivers, once heard, are impossible to deny.
I am interested in your experience with the tube amps and the 1400s. What is the minimum power you have gotten by with? What do you find lacking and what do you find engaging?
As for the Pass gear, audition it. I think you will find this to be a great match.
There is plenty of nuance and plenty of realistic dynamics. I like the power.
I am using a 70 wpc tube amp which seems to be coasting. I have tried EH kt88 and Gold Lions, more detail with EH, more body and warmth with GL. I like both. Next week is the 90wpc V-Caped Quickies. After that, 100 wpc MFA TRIODES. Bass with the tube amp is very deep, controlled, and dynamic. Damping factor is 11-12, same as the Quickies. Silver cable is used. I may upgrade the gold binding posts and use biwired cable or try 4 Quickies at 180 wpc of tube power. So many options. I may go with Silver Rhodium posts or Eichmann posts. PT
With a 70w tube amp I doubt you are hearing the full extent of bass extension and power that these very good loudspeakers are capable of.