OP, I get that… hard to know what you don’t know.
Fyi. I have all ARC gear… it is fully balanced. I had both a pair of Transparent RCA and Balanced interconnects. ARC recommends using balanced. So, I tried both. It is really easy to set up both and toggle back and forth. I could not detect a difference. Note, this is a very high quality component, so ARC worked at doing a really good job of the conversion from internal balanced to unbalanced output. A lower level component or company might not and there could be a big difference.
XLR interconnects are much more expensive… I upgraded all of my interconnects to balanced… because, just like you, it would have gnawed at me that I was not using in the optimal mode. A typical audiophile reaction… we can’t let stuff go, and in the long run end up with spectacular sounding systems. It’s all this little stuff that adds up to,great sound.