Balanced/Differential tube preamplifier recommendation?

First post here. Hello


I have a Wyred4Sound ST-500mkII class D power amplifier. I would like a balanced/differential tube preamplifier to go with it. Ideally I would spend less than $2000 on this preamp. A remote for power and volume control is a must for me. 

I would like something that is true balanced, as my source is also true balanced

I have seen a few options, but most seem to be out of my price range, and to be an uneven match for a fairly affordable power amp like I have. Any suggestions? Thank you 🙂


Yes it does help. It's unfortunate that the audio GD has so few reviews. It's at the top of my list right now though. My source is the Gustard R26. I am honestly not sold on the benefits of balanced, but as the rest of my system is balanced it would just gnaw at me to no end not to preserve that


Thanks for the info



OP, I get that… hard to know what you don’t know.


Fyi. I have all ARC gear… it is fully balanced. I had both a pair of Transparent RCA and Balanced interconnects. ARC recommends using balanced. So, I tried both. It is really easy to set up both and toggle back and forth. I could not detect a difference. Note, this is a very high quality component, so ARC worked at doing a really good job of the conversion from internal balanced to unbalanced output. A lower level component or company might not and there could be a big difference.

XLR interconnects are much more expensive… I upgraded all of my interconnects to balanced… because, just like you, it would have gnawed at me that I was not using in the optimal mode. A typical audiophile reaction… we can’t let stuff go, and in the long run end up with spectacular sounding systems. It’s all this little stuff that adds up to,great sound.

Does ARC follow the balanced standard, Ralph has said in the past that they don't follow the balanced standard.

Post removed 

@invalid Wrote:

Does ARC follow the balanced standard,

No! The method specified by AES48 is to use balanced lines and tie the cable shield to the metal chassis (right where it enters the chassis) at both ends of the cable. See below figure 1a:
