Schiit URD CD Transport SOON?

A non-working model of the long rumored Schiit URD CD Transport has started showing at hifi shows. The device was shown in the Schiit Booth at T.H.E Show in California a week or so ago.

Here’s the article:

New photo from the T.H.E. Show display:


I received an URD on 7/24.  No problems reading CD disks (or CDRs).  It did not sound too great right out of the box, but now that I have 35 hours of break in, it is starting to sound really good.  I suspect that it will get better still by the 100 hour mark.  I have so far been using the SPDIF coaxial output exclusively, feeding a Denefrips Pontus II 12th.

My experience with the break in issue does not surprise me; similar things have happened with other components of various manufacture.  It will be interesting to see just how good the URD gets when it is fully broken in.  If it comes within 90% or better of the Jays Audio unit, I would say it is a bargain.  I will post further when I reach 100 hours.



Break-in for a digital signal is something I can’t comprehend 100% I suppose it’s real so no direct argument here. But, 1’s and 0’s going to an already broken in DAC? 


The parts/boards (even wires if it has any) need break in to sound their best

I am at the 70 hour mark with my URD break in.  Only the URD was changed in my system (same coax cable - SPDIF).  The unit did not sound too good right out of the box, but has settled in significantly at this point.  The major thing I am hearing (compared to the previous transport) is that there appears to be greater resolution, clarity, and a sense of greater illumination in the presentation of the music.  My previous transport evoked a more "burnished" sound quality that had a slightly softer focus, and a presentation that had less illumination (as if the lights were turned down a bit in a room).  I was very accustomed to the previous sound quality, so this change, though not great, was initially mistaken for a sense of "digital glare", but continued listening convinces me that this is not what is happening.  There may be further change in the sound as I approach 100 - 150 hours of break in.  Would love to hear other's impression on their URD.