Any JBL 1400 Synthesis Array owners

I have a pair and am interested in what amps you have tried and the results. I am currently using a 70 wpc tube amp to great effect. I will also try the Quicksilver 90wpc Silver Mono and MFA M 200 in 100 wpc triode mode. The Bryston 14BSST is great but too heavy for me so I reluctantly sold it. Perhaps trying a 3 BSST in the future for a SS alternative.
Using an Aesthetix Calypso preamp.
Dave_72, How long have they been around, unless I missed something, I just noticed this new line of JBL speakers, The last time I was on the JBL sysnthesis web-site, I admitt, it must been a while, a few months to a year, but that's it, unless JBL did not put these on their web-site until long after they where on the market?, the LS-80 speaker looks appealing, I wonder what the retail is, and the specs?
At least 3 years. I'm not sure, I believe so. Retail is around $4 or $5k. Maybe even $6k. The specs are in the reviews, just look them up via Google.
Dave72, I was correct then, The JBL LS-80 was on the market way before they put them on the sysnthsis web-site.
Yes you were. As well as the new to North America 4365 which have been available in Europe and the Far East for quite some time now...:D
Dave 72, the 4365, mmm, never heard of this one either, man, I enjoy talking to you, you are the one to come to about alot of JBL speakers, I suppose I can search this model out and see what the fuss may be about this model, have you any exsperience with the 4365?