Suggestions please. Your favorite 3, 12ax7 tubes

Hi, thanks for any suggestions. Looking to purchase 2 or 3 pair of 12ax7’s for a Audio Hungary a50i. Right now I’m using Mullard 1960’s Blackburn and have Gold lion gold pin as back ups.

I’m considering the Telefunken but don’t want bright or sterile or it to shout at me, but still very interested due to there reputation. I hear the RCA black plates are nice. I have always liked the RCA 6sn7’s but not sure if they sound close to each other. Another one I was considering is the Tungsram, not much experience with 12ax7’s so any insight would be appreciated.


Your pretty much got it.  Tele’s (and most of the European tubes) aren’t warm enough for me but are very nice sounding just on the bright side in my mind.  My fav’s are the late ‘50’s Mullard long plates, ‘50’s RCA black plates, ‘50’s Amperex long plates with the foil getter. All very close.  Others Sylvania black plates, Sylvania 5751 Gold Brand triple mica black plates.  

For a warm sounding tube, I like Amperex Blueboy ECC83/12AX7.  For something a little leaner , but very clear and dynamic, I like Telefunken ECC803S.  For my phono stage, I run the ECC803S.  These vintage tubes are, unfortunately, very expensive.

Just get the most expensive tubes you can find, chances are they'll have the most effusive recommendations and largest cult following.  After you buy them you'll be able to post back here and find plenty of others that will agree with your purchase and help tamp down any cognitive dissonance.  We got you, go nuts. 

Mazda silver plate 12AX7 are my easy favorite. They can be a tad bright, but their dynamics, detail and sweet mids more than make up for it. However avoid the 5751 silver plates - they're a ridiculously bright mess. 

Next is GE 5751 TMBP, specifically the 1953-54 vintage with "silver clips" over the plate ears which poke past the micas. Other GE TMBP vinatges are good but just don't have the magic. They're all better than the RCA TMBP, IMO.

Too many close calls to pick a 3rd, but sure RCA black plates and Telefunkens are in the running. The Telefunken ribbed plates are brighter than smooth plates, but then they're also more detailed and dynamic - just not as good as those Mazda silvers. Ameperex / Holland are always well balanced and should be in the mix. 

Mullards are too thick sounding for me, but a good choice if you need something really warm & syrupy. 

You know, the modern Russian Gold Lions and Tung Sols are quite good too.