Any JBL 1400 Synthesis Array owners

I have a pair and am interested in what amps you have tried and the results. I am currently using a 70 wpc tube amp to great effect. I will also try the Quicksilver 90wpc Silver Mono and MFA M 200 in 100 wpc triode mode. The Bryston 14BSST is great but too heavy for me so I reluctantly sold it. Perhaps trying a 3 BSST in the future for a SS alternative.
Using an Aesthetix Calypso preamp.
I thought I would add something new.
I have been using a First Watt F5 on these speakers. The sound is very clear and real. I like it a lot.
When I want dynamics, though, it's back to the 350.8!
I own a pair of 1000 arrays - wish I had space for the 1400 but alas. I power them with a Denon PMA 2000 IVR integrated which might be familiar to some of you. Ultra High Current MOSFet design, nominal 80 w per channel but benches at 125 at 8 ohms and doubles that exactly into 4 ohms.  It is a beast of an amp however, at 52 pounds, dual mono, it has 120 amp per channel peak current output, Kimber 8TC speaker cable and: The sound is absolutely sublime! I almost never can get it past 9.5 o’clock on volume. And its not ’loud’ its dynamic, neutral, life like, shocking and an absolutely joy to listen to, even and especially at low levels where they do not shrink! Amazing. I’ve been told that the JBL Synthesis 800 amps, bridged, do absolute wonders on these speakers, although its hard to imagine since they already sound revelatory now. I’d like to try them eventually once my space allows for it, however right now I almost wonder if I’ll ever get around to it, they sound so good with the amp I have.
I had a pair of the 1400s for about a year, I thought they were very good. Used a McIntosh MC452 to drive them. I would still have them but I ran into a very good deal on a pair of JBL 4367.