The HK Citation gear was the most razor flat sounding, and the Fisher receivers were actually quite good. The Scott gear was also quite good, and my favorite small integrateds were the Sherwoods. Their little EL84 based integrated was quite good if rebuilt. None of these are as good as the really good modern tube amps, but only the really good gear. The transformers in the much of the old gear were really good, but they didn't have the quality signal path parts we have today. Also, they had all sorts of features that robbed signal quality, like miles of wire in the signal path to support things like stereo/mono and phase reverse switches, and of course tone control circuitry. Very long signal paths in many of the old integrated amps and preamps.
The Dynaco ST 70 had good transformers, but the driver section was barely adequate and if you replace it with one of the more modern boards, especially the all octal tube ones, the amp is greatly improved. The small chassis limited the quality of the power supply you could fit in there though. Still, if modded, the ST70 is a great little amp for the money.