Problem with Ayre C-7xe CD player?

Today i was settling down for some listening and on a few CDs that used to work with no issues, the CD player was rejecting the CD midway through a song and ejecting it - this happened many times loading and unloading the CD. It was having trouble searching for songs, etc. Should I be nervous? Should I call Ayre, the unit is only 6 months old.
If you're talking of the Marigo mat...I had one years ago. They worked well, but after a while, they kind of dried out and didn't work at all. Marigo may have made a change to their formulation, however, this is just a heads up...
Thanks everyone, I called Ayre and my dealer - they said to ship it in. I do not want to be without it for long so I am going to pick my time to send it.

I am having the same problem with my CX-7e. I have contacted Ayre a couple of times via their website and have never received a reply; maybe they treat Canadian enquires differently. Because of this problem I have been using my Oppo BD103 blue ray player to play CDs although it doesn't sound as good. Yesterday I deceided to go digital coax from the Oppo to the Denafrips Ares ii DAC. Wow, sounds fantastic, way better than than the Ayre, when it decides to play of course. I think the CX-7e is being put up for sale.