Maintaining Optimal Electrical Connections

We all know that, over time, oxidation can wreak havoc on electrical connections.

To remedy this, I recently ordered DeToxic D100L (general cleaning - copper surfaces, etc.) and G100L (for gold surfaces).  Do you have experience with using these solutions to clean, restore, improve electrical connections? 

Please indicate - name of solution / High voltage / Low voltage / audible results / insights?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences... I should have some experiences to share in a few weeks.

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I use DEOXIT D5. It removes oxidation and any type of grunge. Works great on all connections. I believe the Gold provides a layer of sealant.

Be extremely careful in using this in AC wiring.  Leave no residue behind, and never spray into an AC outlet.

For the wires coming out of a wall and into a socket use fine grit sand paper.

I have found that replacing upstream sockets (if any) and using high grade (Commercial/Residendial) or better reduces voltage drop. Hard to tell though if it was the new sockets or meticulous cleaning.


Wondering - did you use DeToxit D5 on power sources, line-level wiring, or both?


Thanks for the warning regarding AC wiring.  I have already replaced the outlet with a hospital-grade Leviton unit (pure copper, tight grip).  

With that being said, I have powered speakers and am considering using D100L on that connection.  Do you have the same concern with AC away from the wall?
