MM Cartridge to MC Cartridge

Hi All. First post. I’m thinking about moving from a MM cartridge to an MC cartridge. I hesitate a bit, because about a year ago I moved from an inexpensive MM cartridge to an expensive MM cartridge and noticed little difference. My vinyl system consists of:

Rega Planar P3 with Rega Exact Mk 2 cartridge 

McIntosh MP100 phono preamp

McIntosh MA252 integrated amp

Budget is less than $1k. Thinking Rega Ania MC cartridge because reviews are positive and install easy.

Do you think this change will be worthwhile? Suggestions?



To do better with an MC cartridge you would have to spend $3000 plus

My $600 Denon 103 modified by soundsmith will give most $3000 carts a run for their money. It equaled a Van Den Hul cart in every way.

I stopped looking once I  bought it

Regards, Steve

Another thing to consider is the arm.

I have an Audiomods series three. It improved the performance of my Denon  103 greatly. It has a one piece silver harness with low mass KLE Innovations RCA plugs.


So its not ALL about the cartridge.


Regards Steve


@jasonbourne71 , @williewonka 

Grado can make a great cartridge, I do not think they enter their own until they get away from elliptical styluses.

I owned a 103 and like the Linn LP 12 everyone wants to make mods to them because they are all over the place and dirt cheap. In its day it was a good cartridge. Today it is just a platform for everyone to screw around with. If you can not pick up the difference between any modded 103 and say an Ortofon Verismo either your system, your ears or both need work. The first thing you will notice is the Verismo will be MUCH quieter due to its stylus profile, then sharper transient response due to its diamond cantilever.

The Ortofon 2M Black LVB version is superior to any Grado at or below it's price point. There is no, let me repeat, no $1000 MC cartridge that can compete with a 2M Black LVB cartridge. 

Post removed 

I think the most important part of a modern cartridge is the stylus cantilever assembly. In the LVB the upgrade to the boron cantilever which is stiffer and lighter will improve detail, transient response and tracking. The stylus effects high frequency reproduction and most importantly signal to noise ratio! Many of us have noticed that fine line styluses track quietly. This is because the contact area is much larger and linear, not a point. It is less likely to fall into imperfections. The result is less background noise. Other MM cartridges that have advanced stylus profiles are many of the ATs, the Goldring 1042, Some of the Clearaudios and some of the Soundsmiths. I'm sure there are others that I do not know of. The Soundsmith Voice is the best high output cartridge I have ever used. My Voice is now performing magnificently in a system built on Magico S7s, a Basis Debut with a Graham arm. The new owner's first comment after lowering the needle was," there's no noise!" He insists it is the best cartridge he has ever had in his system.