Herbies tube dampers

Has anyone used Herbies tube dampers ? Can u share your experience with them. I want to change my 6 stock 6H30 dampers on my Audio Research Ref 6SE. I was also thinking of putting them on the power supply tubes 1) 6H30 and 1) 6550. Would this be a good idea ? 

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Let me start by saying I am a strong supporter of Herbie’s Audio Lab products. All that I have purchased deliver as promised and without insane pricing. And now, the one related exception. I have not had good success with their small signal tube dampers, having tried them on several occasions with ARC products. They DO seem to somewhat take the life/sparkle out of the tube in use. One hundred percent of the time it’s been back to the tube dampers supplied by ARC. I have not tried them on other preamplifier brands or on output tubes in any amplifier.

@tubegb wow. That’s unbelievable that u had bad experiences with the on the signal tubes of all Audio Research.  What were the ones u had success with ?