What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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@oceanandmountains I have a number of customers using my 150W amps with speakers that are 100dB plus, I think one guy even has speakers that are ~110 dB.

I have only heard good things from these customers.

@rajugsw uses my 500W amps with Cornwall IV’s... it’s a room-shaking sound when loud and sounds very good at low volumes too, I can personally comment on this one as I have heard his system myself. Here is a picture of it:

@orchardaudio Thanks for the info on demoing your unit. That said, it’s the Rev 1.0 unit. I almost bought a similar one from Mark, who contacted you with details earlier this week. I may sign up to evaluate it, but I’d be more interested in trying out your maxxed out Rev 2.0 given the stated benefits you’ve documented on it. I’ll contact you direct to learn more about the differences and see if it’s still worth evaluating the demo unit. Much appreciated!

@atmasphere Do you think you’ll offer optional upgrades to your Class D amps in the same way that you do for your OTLs? If not, I’d be curious to hear your reasons (e.g. you feel they are performing optimally regardless of cost).

@ricevs Thanks for providing context on your mods. I myself have performed a number of mods, mostly across tube-based equipment with great success. I’ve done similar things as you list - replacing caps or adding bypass caps, upgrading wiring and chassis connector parts / IECs. The reason I ask on the ease of the GaN modules over others was that I saw you mostly modded GaN amps and wondered if ease was a reason, but it seems you prefer to start with quality, and that makes sense. 


Actually, @atmasphere I was just reading the other A’Gon thread on your amps and came across a post on why certain upgrades aren’t made largely because they won’t be audible due to the high amount of feedback you run through the amps. If that’s the primary reason, no further need to elaborate, but if you do have suggestions on upgrades you do offer or consider offering, let us know.