Did I do a good thing or not?

I just bought a Shure V-15 VMR cartridge, and a Jico replcement stylus from LP Gear. 

Was this a good move, or bad? Well, I guess I'll find out.



Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

Who has a manual? If I ever had one, I lost it long ago. I don't know if Dynavector still and ifo on their websits, but I guess I'll check and see.



Manual is readily available on Vinyl Engine and elsewhere. Dover, I set mine up per the markings. That’s pretty much according to the manual, but your added suggestion on how to check for balance by blowing on the wand was new to me.


Lewm, Dover, I used the method you described, and that worked a treat! 

My analog front end is much improved in the depth I hear into the music.

Analog has never sounded as good as it does right now. I'm a happy man.

Thanks and regards,


Lewm, I've never heard my LP setup sound this good before. It might be that this cartridge is a much better match for my Dynavector arm, than The Acutex. It might be if I use Dover's method of setting balance weight to the arm, I might ba blown away again.

It'll be a lot of fun to find out. Maybe tonight?

