Kendrick Sound JBL 4350 for music Bar

We're looking for JBL 4350 series for small 60-70 square meters music bar to use them as main PA. Main source is analog (vinyl), mostly 60s, 70s (Jazz, Funk, Soul, Latin ...) Since Kendrick Sound ship woldwide i'm looking forward for a pair of 4350 or bit smaller 4345/4346 for investor. I guess in Japan it would be normal to use such PA in the bar, but we're not in Japan.

need some help from experienced users:

- Anyone ever heard of 4350 series as music bar PA ?
- What would be a great moderate priced amp (tube or set) for 4350 ?
- And what is the optimal room size for 4350 ?
We are actually involved in a similar project currently, the project is located in Tokyo and theres several folks involved in the project.

The 4350 will easily fill even a large domestic room/bar with sound.

Since the original drivers are all available on various internet auction sites etc, we should easily be able to make you a replica here, you can contact me via my website for more info.

Good Listening

Thanks Peter!
This is now it looks with those monitors in new Jazz Cafe in Japan:
Very cool looking place! Can easily make you something similar, even design the whole system if interested.

Good Listening

I know these speakers and most 43xx very well, by PA system do you mean a music system or an actual PA to make announcements?