Kendrick Sound JBL 4350 for music Bar

We're looking for JBL 4350 series for small 60-70 square meters music bar to use them as main PA. Main source is analog (vinyl), mostly 60s, 70s (Jazz, Funk, Soul, Latin ...) Since Kendrick Sound ship woldwide i'm looking forward for a pair of 4350 or bit smaller 4345/4346 for investor. I guess in Japan it would be normal to use such PA in the bar, but we're not in Japan.

need some help from experienced users:

- Anyone ever heard of 4350 series as music bar PA ?
- What would be a great moderate priced amp (tube or set) for 4350 ?
- And what is the optimal room size for 4350 ?
David, if we could play our vinyl at exceptional quality maybe we don't need any live performances :)

We could just play our favorite jazz & soul records instead like we used to do at home, but on higher level and with more friends involved.

Which amp can drive them good ?
In Japan they use Mark Levinson stuff...
Chakster, exceptional quality reproduction requires exceptional electronics and front end. You have to get the entire chain right and not just the amps. We had Levinson, AR, CJ and many other brands but for the past 17 years we've sold only Lamm electronics. I believe that they still make the best and most musical equipment today, bar none. I'm not trying to sell you anything here, they have their own representation in Russia, it's what I believe and know from direct experience. JBL 4350s are incredible speakers and in combination with Lamm electronics will give you a phenomenal sound.
Thanks David, i will check that Lamm option.
As i can see it's hybrid vacuum tube/sold-state design.

But what about classic tube amps for 4350 ? I use low powered tube stuff myself for very high efficiency full range driver speakers but it's another story. Shouldn't be a problem with source, David (phono preamps, cables and everything for 4350). I'm more concern about the right amp and room size.
Chakster, I use low power Lamm SETs for my personal use too but they're not suited to the 4350, nor would you want them in a commercial setting. 4350 likes some current to come to life. Lamm M1.2 is a natural match for this speaker.

We've done several installations for so called music bars in the past and I've been to a few in Japan where they originated from. In these settings where music is front and center of the ambience the choice of music and electronics will affect the kind of clientele you'll end up with. You can use a vintage Mac with the JBLs but you'll end up with a darker sound suited to certain types of Jazz and mellower atmosphere appealing mostly to a more mature patron. The Lamms will really make these speakers sing with every type of music and depending on your volume setting and choice of music you can control the ambience in you bar. I highly recommend a Lamm preamp if you decide on the Lamm amp.

I saw that you were asking about cartridges in another thread, my recommendation is to stay under $1000, Ortofon, Denon and AT all make fantastic cartridges in that price range.

David if you auditioned them in Japan what you can sat about Kedrick Sound JBL 4350 vs vintage Original JBL 4550 ?

The bar is not the right place for $5000 cartridge indeed (to bend it when you got too much wine), it's not even the right place for MC cartridges. I have tried many from $100 mm to $5000 mc. So you're right when you talking about under $1000 decent models (including some used ones).