Bad news for home theater enthusiasts

Disney is ending all DVD and Blu Ray releases down under for Australia and New Zealand which may be a harbinger of what can eventually happen to the rest of the world. Their last release will be Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. From now on it's streaming only for them.

It's a good read for those with a big investment in physical media as streaming still can't match the quality and the big players just don't care as there'll be one less product to make.

Are we going to see a run on blu ray players with prices going through the roof again like we did when OPPO decided to call it quits? My OPPO BDP-103 is old and the mid level Panasonic DP-UB820-K is starting to look a bit desirable right now. 

All the best,


@fredrik222 You're festering fascination with me is leading you to another of your famous Kaleidoscopic moments. Can't wait for that meltdown. You ASR types are wound way too tight.

All the best,

@nonoise  and there you go again, when pointed out that you don't know anything at all, again, you go for personal attacks. 

Just do everyone a favor, and stop posting, because your post lack any resemblance of value.

@fredrik222 There's a whole lotta projection going on with you regarding personal attacks, freddy. That's all you've done so far, hunting and pecking, hunting and pecking. Remember kaleidoscope?

Your last shining moment.

All the best,

@nonoise nope. All I have done is point out that you don’t do basic research or have any knowledge about what you post. Your response has been attacks, which means nothing, and hopefully people are take everything you post with a truckload of salt. 

@fredrik222 Nope. What people are bringing are truckloads of popcorn to watch you self destruct.

All the best,