Sabrina X Amp Suggestions

I recently upgraded from an old book shelf speaker (Proac 1SC) that I have been using for 10 years to a newly acquired Wilson Audio Sabrina X. I have a small listening space (around 200 square feet) so a small floorstander like Sabrina X is perfect for me. I would love to get some suggestions on what would be considered a typical amplifier match for a Wilson - I am sticking to the big popular brands and nothing too obscure due to resell value.

I am now using an old integrated amplifier Goldmund 390.2. I am indifferent whether the upgrade path is a better integrated amplifier or moving to a amp / preamp set up. I listen to mostly vocal, jazz and small to medium scale classical music and would hope to obtain a sound that is airy, detailed with good resolution and clean bass and a bit of sweetness (not overly so to make the make music too dark or muddy) to make music involving and engaging. 

I have been reading a lot of posts here and it seems that many people with Wilson use ARC Ref 6 or Ref 5SE paired with Pass X250.8 or X250.5 to good results. I have not heard of the results but the descriptions seem to deliver a good engaging soundstage (attributable to the ARC preamp) with detailed, neutral and clean sound from the Pass. Sounds close to what I look for. 

Would love to hear your views on this set up with the Sabrina X, or any other amp suggestions. Thank you in advance!
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Another +vote for AYRE or D' Agostino gear with a Luxman Player.


Happy Listening!



Second - Esoteric player. Nice suggestion.


Happy Listening!

Like many of you, I find the SabrinaX great even for smallish rooms. I’ve heard these at home with a D’Agostino Progression Integrated, Pass Labs XP-10/XP-22/Ayre V-5xe, and Pass Labs XP-22/X250.8. Any of those combinations have plenty of drive and musicality for these Wilson’s. We settled on the XP-22/X250.8 pair after multiple listening sessions. It just sounds right with our other equipment, our room, and current acoustic treatments. Now we just enjoy the music!