Learning about crossovers helped convert me from atheist to a believer in God

Let’s see if this one survives.    

I have been an atheist for 50 years.  Recently I became a believer.  One factor that helped tip the scales is the “fine tuned universe” argument - the idea that the physics constants, e.g. the mass of an electron, are so finely “selected” that if they weren’t very close to what they are, life wouldn’t exist.  This is an argument for a creator.  The best counter argument seems to be that there are an infinite number of universes and we got lucky.  

When I got into audio, and started learning about crossovers, I was ASTOUNDED at how well the pieces fit together.  Octaves are exact doubles of frequency.  3dB describes so many seemingly unrelated phenomena.  But the one that really got me was the magic of capacitors and inductors.  They share no parts, other than wires sticking out at each end (usually), one acts due to voltage, one acts due to electromagnetism, one resists AC, one resists DC.  And yet, somehow, they are mirror images of each other, using almost exactly the same equations, behaving perfectly orthogonal to each other, even to the extent of how powerfully they perform their function (3dB again).  How is this possible?  Could this have happened due to random chance?  I smell a creator.  


Music has been known for 1,000s of years electronics are no more advanced 

then the instruments of ancients of 1,000s of years, although maybe basic it still 

is at its purest form  of acoustic instruments which we still use today from flute,

drum, and stringed instruments the end result is the same without the complexity.

 there are some people who will not listen to amplified music. The flute is  considered a soothing instrument .

Each instrument has its own meaning ,cause  and effect, it’s all about perception and interpretations. 

The Universe is amazing. It made us and we can now look back at it. Through us it has become aware. And not only through us. We can call it God. It doesn’t care.


It sings amidst a constant background hiss of the big bang.  



"This is an argument for a creator." Why?
If there is a higher power it is a power I wish to have nothing to do with. Why? War, famine, the suffering and misery of innocent kids. Do you really believe a higher power would allow this?
Far better to be a Pastafarian and believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I’m a filthy hearted, hypocritical, generic Christian. I’m working on and forever failing to love others as myself, but I’m trying. 

The universe is more wondrous than I can comprehend, that’s for sure.


Your lament is not an argument...

Why ?

First because we were created free ... Then the world resemble what our free acts make it so...

Second, inform yourself, we reincarnate; it is even a proven fact for decades now... Imagine you are a racist and you kill someone by hate, you will CHOOSE FREELY yourselfr to reincarnate and pay for the dinner so to speak , not as a punishment, there is no punishment, but to learn... Learning can be painful , no need for punishment... The worst judge the more implacable one is ourself ...

Then your expression of doubts only reflected a great empathy you have for all living creatures that suffer, but this empathy for others suffering so good it is as a human quality is a poor argument against God... In fact no argument at all...


"This is an argument for a creator." Why?
If there is a higher power it is a power I wish to have nothing to do with. Why? War, famine, the suffering and misery of innocent kids. Do you really believe a higher power would allow this?
Far better to be a Pastafarian and believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.