I love music ...
I prefer a good sound than a bad sound with the same music...
I decided to create my own audiophile experience...
I studied and experimented with acoustic after buying a basic good system...
I succeeded ...
I lost my acoustic room... One year ago...
I decided to try to create an headphone system , if different , as satisfying as my speakers/room..
I succeeded...
I never LISTEN TO THE GEAR first and last ...
I listen to acoustic first and last and learned how to listen in the process......
Thats my secret to reach ectasy...
i am a music lover and not really an audiophile anymore because i succeeded ...
Obsession with the gear reflect often ignorance of acoustic and the way to control the soundfield in a room...
To answer your question half of audiophiles are neurotic collectors, and half of non audiophiles dont love the music enough to move their ass to improve the sound quality... life is complex sorry... There is no smplistic answer to your question ... Even my answer is simplistic... 😊