Depends on the amount you are willing to spend? I have a Lab12 DAC 1 Reference that takes 2 6922’s. I prefer old stock tubes on the warmer or neutral side with detail. My experience rolling:
$- Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 Holland (excellent value with great SQ)
$$- Amperex 6922 Holland
Amperex 6922 USA
$$$- French Phillips E188cc/7308 labeled RT, RTC, Dario Miniwatt,Mazda=My Fav
Amperex 7308 Holland (or USA) SQ or PQ label best
Siemens E88cc/6922 Germany (little brighter)
Talk to and look at Brent Jessee and his website. Very helpful and informative. Good luck with it all. Tom