Ok, so after a day or two I originally removed both UEF Enhancers and had a mind to send them back, because what I was hearing was a bit analytical and lacking body.
Anyway, the sales rep talked me I to letting them burn in for another 150 hours. I honestly don’t know if they changed, my hearing changed, or of other small tweaks to my system contributed to it, but now things sound really good with both of them in there. Compared to my first impression the sound is smoother and more coherent, and there may be a little more bass weight and impact. Overall, I feel like my system is more transparent with them in, and the weight that might have been lost actually seems more like bloat now. I’m getting a very accurate frequency response, bigger soundstage, more detail, and more articulate bass.
Looks like they will stay after all. Pretty wild how something like this can make such a difference. It must be effecting the electrical field of the whole system. Similar to the SR fuses, but without the big improvements in bass and immediacy.