I've no idea why this is happening all of a sudden as there are several recent threads on this forum asking about the ideal speaker for a certain genre of music.
Examples: the best speaker for: electronia, death metal, 80s rock, etc.
This is the most common myth about speakers out there!
If the speaker is good for one genre, its good for another, plain and simple- the speaker does not care what music you play through it as long as you don't toast a driver.
Some people say you need volume or bass impact and this is certainly true- for all musical genres. Those happen to be good things that are found in good speakers. That really is the end of the story.
One is better off trying to sort out what speakers are more efficient, wider range, with the best detail and imaging, and then sorting out what sort of amp drives them best, as the latter is likely far more important, since some speakers favor tubes while others favor transistors.
I for one like to push things hard and I like tube amps, so one of the best speakers made for all types of music is the Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T-1 or T-3 (I have the T-3s), either of which are about 98 db 1 watt/1 meter, are 16 ohms (favors tubes IOW) and go down to 20Hz with no need of a subwoofer, yet are detailed and as fast as the best ESLs.