Best Speakers For Electronica Music

Hello all,

I have purchased Totem Arros second hand and I really like them a lot, however, when I spoke with an authorized Totem dealer and told him the music I like, he recommended I get a subwoofer or I run the risk of blowing the Arros. He told me the Arros are more for vocals, jazz, and classical. I like music like The Chemical Brothers, Tycho, Radiohead Kid A, and I like some harder rock at times like Jack White.

My system is a Logitech Touch, Peachtree Audio iDecco (for sale now) as a preamp, running to a Parasound Zamp V.3, with 60 wpc into the 4 ohms.

I like the speakers a lot, but I do not want to get a subwoofer, so is there a brand that is known for being more stoutly built, but still very detailed and with tight bass that people can recommend? I do not like the sound of Cerwin Vega, and I have heard other similar forums where they are recommended, and I do not like Klipsch. Other than that, I am open to suggestions. As a last constraint, I am on somewhat of a budget as you can tell from my system.

Thank you all in advance.
Legacy (FocusSE, AERIS, V), PBN Montana (various) and others in the line and quite a few other speakers will fit this need nicely. The Legacy's I've owned go down solidly to 16Hz and stand the test for Taiko drumming, pipe organ, rock, prog-rock, electronica and alot of other music. For electronica there is a good amount of signal info below 16-18Hz so you MAY want to get a subwoofer to round out your experience. Check out the various threads where people are asking for speaker recommendations for speakers that do Rock and Hard Rock well and you'll get a lot more speakers added to the list of candidates....
with your amp you will less-likely do any damage to your existing arros unless you're willing to drive it to clipping very loud.
totem forest actually is perfect match for electronic music, new wave, great with punk and noise and at the same time very strong.
I agree with Czarivey. Consider the Forests. They have a relatively easy to handle impedance curve so something cable of 60 W into 4 ohm should be able to drive them to good dB levels without clipping. I think they sound fantastic with all sorts of music. Properly positioned (that's key) they can produce amazing, deep and well-controlled bass.