@soix Your choices are welcome and two of the three that I heard, are excellent speakers for the most part. The Joseph Audio Pearl, Usher TD20, Vandersteen Kento, and Boenicke W13 SE were heard or are known to have the qualities that I am not looking but not in attendance.
The Boenicke’s sounded better than their measurements indicate with excellent analog playback. Not as big and full as I am looking for. The Boenicke is a fine speaker but too small sounding and has a much lower efficiency (86-89 db depending on frequency which is not smooth and usually tests lower) with excellent dispersion (I only heard the non-SE version),
The Vandersteen Kento has built-in woofer amps, reticent highs although measures great (87 db efficiency 3 to 8 ohm impedance) and dispersion is very good but not great off axis. A very listenable speaker though. Vandy’s always sound sweet to me, not a bad thing (early inexpensive ones sounded distorted though).
The Joseph Audio Pearl 2 is has more detail than body, although it is much more pleasant than more expensive Wilsons and superior to B&Ws and has plenty of bass (maybe too much-for a large room). It too has a low 86 db efficiency with a nice 6 ohm low impedance. I have not heard the 20/20 Graphene version or Pearl 3. They look just like Von Schweikert VR series.
I haven’t heard the Usher TD20 and Verity Audio Arindal speakers.
What I am after is an end-game speaker that I can afford for my listening room and my taste in sound. My end game speaker is the VS Ultra 7, I don’t want a low(er) efficiency speaker with a built in woofer amp like the VS VR55.
@kota I absolutely don’t want a surround sound system for mono and stereo recordings. As an amateur recording/mastering "engineer," I only want to hear mono and stereo sound coming from two speakers (three track with a center channel). That’s how the majority of my music was recorded and mastered (my own and most of my 48,000 LP/78s/CDs/R2R). Powered focal speakers do not meet my needs or wants (I want to stick to passive speakers). Thanks though for your suggestion for thrilling sound.
Note that the speakers I'm auditioning are super coherent with mid-range drivers that cover 80-90% of the range of music and are in the low 90 db efficiency that have impedances either of my amps can easily drive.