"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


My McInthosh MC462 weighs 148lbs, me, my wife and my son moved if into its current home in a rack 😆

It took every last bid of strength I had to put my Pass amp in the box before calling UPS.  Now the first thing I look at when buying any new component is how much it weighs.

Something is inversely/perversely going on.

double the wattage = only a bit louder

double wattage again = only a bit louder

sooo, why not: double the wattage, only a bit heavier?

*....channeling the music behind the opening of the old b&w series ....*

"Sounds like a job for:  CLASS D !  "

😏....Time to define what 'a bit heavier' would mean....built-in casters?

A 'beefy' pair of handles?  Removable, of course....must keep up appearances... ;)

Fork-lift channels at the bottom of the chassis?

"Heavy-lift helicopter service available at a modest charge...."

"...no, decided to go 'all-in' this time.....2kw mono a side....ought to do it...."

"50 thousand watts of funky!" (A refrain from a sound awhile back...)

Restraint be damned....*L*


“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy notes that Disaster Area, a plutonium rock band from the Gagrakacka Mind Zones, are generally held to be not only the loudest rock band in the Galaxy, but in fact the loudest noise of any kind at all. Regular concert goers judge that the best sound balance is usually to be heard from within large concrete bunkers some thirty-seven miles from the stage, while the musicians themselves play their instruments by remote control from within a heavily insulated spaceship which stays in orbit around the planet—or more frequently around a completely different planet.”

....used to be on speed dial....been awhile....🤔