Ruminations On CD Players

After multiple factory rebuilds, I'm ready to replace my twenty year old Arcam CD-73 CD player.  I've looked through lists of recommended CD players in the $2000 range, and have noticed that some are all-inclusive while others have separate transports and DACs.  Other than ease of replacement, what are the benefits of having the transport and DAC separate?  Any recommendations on CD players in this price range?  I only have music CDs so don't need anything that can do more than that.



John Cotner

New Ulm, MN



Getting rather picky for my typing too quickly and leaving out an "r", eh?

You forgot an “er.”

I'm not saying streaming is some substandard way to discover new music. You're just putting words in my mouth so you'll have some made up motive to attack.

You were clearly painting streaming as “less than” because with streaming you don’t own the music and that you have to intentionally look for something you don’t know exists (see my prior post) both of which are patently false.  I’m not “attacking” anyone but rather just refuting your statements because they’re either inaccurate or run counter to my own experience.  Sorry if you take having your false or uninformed assertions as an attack, but I stand by everything I said in response to your statement. 

To say I'm in the "extreme minority"  because you don't want to go back to CDs speaks of some unresolved issues you have so keep them to yourself.

But you are in the extreme minority.  Most people here have embraced and love streaming.  That you choose not to is perfectly fine, but you don’t get to make up your own facts.  Most people who stream don’t go back to CDs unless it’s not available to stream.  Maybe it’s time to face the fact that you’re the one with the unresolved issues (i.e. trapped in the past) and not the vast majority of us who’ve moved on with both technology and the times.





This happens all the time. Someone asks about CDPs or CDTs and members like you take a crap on the thread and talk about streaming to the point of shoving it down their throats. Get a life. Your turn will come when another thread about streaming pops up.

Your persistent need to elevate yourself above me and others is downright weird and off-putting. Continue with your belief that you're in the majority and superior to all others who don't do as you do if it gives you the warm and fuzzies. You sound like you need all the support you can get.

Do you get a subpoena from Jack Smith? Is that what accounts for your foul attitude? 

All the best,

@nonoise Oh my, aren’t we sensitive.  You’re the one that brought up your perceived “deficiencies” of streaming, and if you go back and look the only thing I did was refute claims you made that were either inaccurate or ran very counter to my experience.  And I’m not “elevating” myself — I just had low-hanging and uninformed fruit being dangled in front of me.  Had you not proactively raised these issues I would’ve not responded so you can just blame yourself for baiting the subject, but when I read things that I find misleading or that run counter to my experience I tend to respond with my own take.  I disagree with you strongly on some of the things you said.  That’s all.  It’s a forum, which is supposed to be an exchange of ideas and experiences.  If I’m wrong I expect to be called out on it and so should you and then just let the chips fall where they may.  I’m sure others will chime in with their thoughts and experiences, and I welcome them all because that’s how I often learn valuable things here.  If you can open your mind a little and take your head outta the CD racks long enough maybe you will too. 

@soix Oh brother, are you being anal today. I brought up what I see as limitations of a medium and you take it oh so personally, like I attacked you and you only. Your caveat about "counter to my experience" is running a bit thin and the only valid thing you have to say about the matter so leave it at that.

As for letting the chips fall where they may, that is something you should practice and not just preach. And yes, others will chime in later in the day, as is their wont. Almost to a person, they'll say the same thing I did: why the heck are people touting things that the OP asked not to, and why is it always the same people? 

To fall back on "differing opinions" of a nature not germane to the OP's query clearly sidesteps the issue. You were called out so let those chips fall. As for opening my mind, it is. I won't pay for amounts to background music that I can get on my radio.

All the best,


I brought up what I see as limitations of a medium and you take it oh so personally

Well, there ya go.  You are the one that brought up your “perceived” limitations of streaming and brought this off topic, not me.  And I don’t take it personally at all.  I just refuted your assertions with some facts and actual experience.  The reason you’re likely getting very defensive here is because you’re realizing you don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to streaming and when confronted by someone with actual experience in the medium you got nuthin’ except a belief based on nothing.  If anyone is taking this personally it’s you.