@soix Oh brother, are you being anal today. I brought up what I see as limitations of a medium and you take it oh so personally, like I attacked you and you only. Your caveat about "counter to my experience" is running a bit thin and the only valid thing you have to say about the matter so leave it at that.
As for letting the chips fall where they may, that is something you should practice and not just preach. And yes, others will chime in later in the day, as is their wont. Almost to a person, they'll say the same thing I did: why the heck are people touting things that the OP asked not to, and why is it always the same people?
To fall back on "differing opinions" of a nature not germane to the OP's query clearly sidesteps the issue. You were called out so let those chips fall. As for opening my mind, it is. I won't pay for amounts to background music that I can get on my radio.
All the best,