Magnapan LRS placement

I bought a pair of LRS that I’d like to place 7" in front of KEF Reference 1s, leaving the KEFs in place. The KEFs are 41" from the rear wall, Will placing an LRS so close to another speaker be a problem? I’m very satisfied with the Reference 1s, just want to try the LRS.

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I had the same issue with the KEF LS50 Meta. Whenever I played the Meta I moved the LRS+ totally away. When I played the LRS+ I kept the Meta in place. I did not have an issue with the sound, but it bugged me that 2 speakers were so close.

I eventually decided that the LRS+ and KEF KC62 sub was better and sent the Meta to my nephew.

I tried a few amps with the LRS+, CODA #16, PeachTree GAN400 (for sale), PeachTree GAN1 (modded), Sander Sound Magtech. The takeaway was that give the LRS+ as much power as possible.

The CODA #16 sounded great with the LRS+ but the Magtech is even better with the LRS+. I have not tried the Magtech with anything else. I was discussing the Magtech with Roger Sanders and he said the amp was made initially for Magnepans, thus the name, Mag Tech.


Good news, yyzsantabarbara. Ayre tells me the VX-5 Twenty amp I propose to use will drive the LRS nicely, but I also have a pair of Parasound JC-1s sitting next to the Ayre amp if needed. As with the Reference 1 the LRS will be high passed at 80 Hz by a passive balanced Marchand filter and low-passed at 80 Hz by a Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager to a pair of HGS-15s. I use two speaker cables to each Reference 1, and propose to concatenate those cables for each LRS.

Those JC1’s would likely be the winner for my ears. This thing gobbles up power.

You may want to consider 50 or 60 for the cut off. The LRS+ can play low. I also have read other LRS+ owners doing the same.